Trawler Spotting

Here’s an unusual sighting… a fellow Pilgrim making a stop through Louisville. We had contacted David, the owner of GRAND OLE GAL, because we heard that he was bringing his boat from Florida and up the inland rivers to his home in Warsaw, Kentucky. He had to be passing through Louisville, right? Well, it turned out that he had the boat shipped to Cincinnati to streamline the process. Bummer. After our initial contact though, he told us he was taking the boat to Chattanooga and would be stopping at the Louisville waterfront in a couple of days so we got the opportunity to get a tour of another Pilgrim, our second since we first started looking.

Our first encounter with the Pilgrim was before going to look at SEA BEAR II. Our plan was to have only one of us travel to New Hampshire for inspection so it was important that we both got an in-person look at what we were getting into before making the trip solo. Since we missed David on GRAND OLD GAL we hooked up with Jack, the owner of MATCHLESS GIRL in Nashville, Tennessee, who invited us down and graciously spent most of the day showing us around. It didn’t take much time after stepping on board that we knew we had found the boat we wanted. There were some definite flashbacks to previous pilothouse trawler spottings, although I can’t really say we knew at the time where they were leading.

Update: In 2016 I was fortunate to be in St. Petersburg, Florida at the same time LIBERTY was there for their annual winter migration from Lake Erie. Yet another Pilgrim spotted, and one of the best kept one in the fleet.

2 thoughts on “Trawler Spotting

  1. Just kicking around the Pilgrim site today when I stumbled upon your extension. Juanita & I actually looked at Sea Bear whilst in NH the other year. Niceeee vessel. We had bought Hull 31 in Boston previous to that so seeing another P-40 was just good for the soul. Actually, we too had dinner aboard Liberty #43 when we visited Dave & Bobbi in Erie shortly following our purchase of Von Fyhren. The trip to Erie was to learn & learn & learn. They reciprocated by coming to Nova Scotia for a visit with us the next year. Great ambassadors indeed!!
    Floyd Grady & Juanita Sams
    Pilgrims’ Journey
    Nova Scotia.
    Hull #-31

    1. Thanks for visiting my website Floyd. Hopefully I’ll catch up this winter with my blog entries, so come back again. I’m presently undergoing the installation of a stern thruster based on Dave’s process. The fiberglass pod extension is done (whew!). I understand Dave did 2 layups and one went to you. Did you get the thruster installed?

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